Bella Vista Creek

Welcome to Bird of the Day!

You might notice some recent changes to the blog. For one, the banner image above has changed from Mustang Island on the Gulf coast to a picture of a local birding spot near my house. Likewise, I plan to focus many of the upcoming posts on birding that area. On the right hand side of the page you will also see the addition of a new gadget that lists what birds have been seen in that area in the last 30 days. Further below, there is a link to ebird for more historic information about the birds seen at Bella Vista Creek. Feel free and contact me on the blog about what you think. Click on images to enlarge. (All photos by gbmcclure)

Feb 28, 2011

Feb 4, 2011

Snow Birds

Snow birds, and not the kind you think. Though we have those as well down in South Texas. This morning, however, I woke to a half-inch of snow on the ground (GASP!)and an announcement that school was canceled for the day. A perfect excuse for two things: birdwatching and a run. And the run could wait for the temperature to hit 30 degrees later in the day.

Dodging ladies in their SUVs, frozen with fear in the middle of the street, I slowly made my way down to Cypress Creek park. Because of the weather the county parks and recreation guys had not made it out to unlock the gates and so access to good birds was blocked. I did manage to make my way down to the boat ramp to turn around, however, and by the side of the road I noticed a fair bit of activity. Sure enough, as I stopped the truck, several birds came down to the edge of the tree line and jumped to the ground looking for food.

The first guy to come down was this Northern Cardinal.


He was soon joined by a Song Sparrow and a Yellow-rumped Warbler.


Just to the right, three more Song Sparrows came down. I love how each landed in the only possible areas without snow.


Moments later, as the Song Sparrows moved on, this Carolina Wren appeared.

carolina wren